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Species Archives - An E-monograph of the Fungal Order Magnaporthales: Taxonomy, Molecular Phylogeny, and Biogeography


Budhanggurabania cynodonticola P. Wong, Khemmuk & R.G. Shivas, Persoonia 34: 241. 2015. (Type species).

MycoBank: MB 811697.

Ascomata perithecial, superficial, solitary, ampulliform, periphysate, dark brown to black, 300–400 × 200–350 µm, with a short neck, 75–100 × 70–80 µm. Asci 8-spored, obovoid to saccate, ascus wall deliquescent at maturity within ascomata releasing ascospores that extrude from ostiole, 50–75 × 25–35 µm. Ascospores multi-seriate, ellipsoidal with rounded ends, 3-septate, slightly constricted at each septum unequally colored, 25–38 × 10–15 µm; central cells brown, with 4–6 oblique striations in lateral view; apical cells 3–6 µm long, subhyaline to light brown, smooth. On QPDA and PDA, hyphae septate, branched, smooth, 1–3 µm diam. Conidiophores single or branched, hyaline. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, straight to slightly curved, hyaline, 5–29 × 1.5–3 µm. Conidia aggregated in slimy heads, cylindrical or slightly curved, apex rounded, base acute, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, 5.5–9(–12) × 1.5–2 µm (Description from Crous et al., 2015).

Typification: Holotype BRIP59305. Ex-holotype culture BRIP59305.

Gene sequences: KP162130 (18S), KP162134 (ITS), KP162140 (28S), KP162131 (MCM7), KP162143 (RPB1), KP162138 (TEF1).

Hosts/substrates: On rotted roots and stolons of Cynodon dactylon (Poaceae).

Distribution: Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland).

Copyright 2022 by The American Phytopathological Society. Reproduced, by permission, from Luo, J., and Zhang, N. 2022. The Rice Blast Fungus and Allied Species: A Monograph of the Fungal Order Magnaporthales (https://my.apsnet.org/APSStore/Product-Detail.aspx?WebsiteKey=2661527A-8D44-496C-A730-8CFEB6239BE7&iProductCode=46826). American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. 


Aquafiliformis lignicola Z.L. Luo, K.D. Hyde & H.Y. Su, Fungal Diversity 99: 47. 2019.
MycoBank: MB 555647.

Ascomata solitary, immersed, globose to subglobose, dark brown to black, 275–335 × 300–356 µm, with neck erumpent through host surface. Perithecial walls composed of an inner layer of flattened hyaline cells and an outer layer of irregular, heavily pigmented, thick-walled, light brown to dark brown cells of textura angularis, 24–34 µm thick. Paraphyses hyaline, septate, unbranched, 4.5–7.5 µm wide. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical to clavate, hyaline, 76–86 × 8–12 µm. Ascospores filiform, guttulate, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, 57–69 × 2.5–3.5 µm. Asexual state unknown (Description from Luo et al., 2019).

Typification: Holotype MFLU18-2325. Ex-holotype culture MFLUCC16-1341.

Gene sequences: MK835815 (28S), MK828615 (ITS), MN156511 (RPB2), MN194068 (TEF1).

Host/substrate: On submerged wood.

Distribution: China (Yunnan).

Copyright 2022 by The American Phytopathological Society. Reproduced, by permission, from Luo, J., and Zhang, N. 2022. The Rice Blast Fungus and Allied Species: A Monograph of the Fungal Order Magnaporthales (https://my.apsnet.org/APSStore/Product-Detail.aspx?WebsiteKey=2661527A-8D44-496C-A730-8CFEB6239BE7&iProductCode=46826). American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.


Tropohalonectria suthepensis (Promp.) R.H. Perera, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Phytotaxa 278(2): 128. 2016. (Type species).

Ascomata perithecial, immersed, solitary to gregarious, globose to subglobose, dark brown, 180–300 × 300–600 μm, with a yellow to light orange, cylindrical neck, 400–800 × 120–180 μm. Paraphyses numerous, unbranched, filamentous, septate, hyaline. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, 135–170 × 5–8.5 μm, with a refractive apical ring, 2–5 × 2–3 μm. Ascospores parallel in ascus, filiform, slightly curved, 4–7-septate, hyaline, yellow to light orange, smooth, 85–137 × 2.5–3 μm. Asexual state harpophora-like. On PDA, hyphae mostly immersed, light brown to light yellow. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, ampulliform to lageniform, 10–19 × 3.5–5 μm, with a cylindrical collarette, 1–2 μm diam. Conidia allantoid, curved, aseptate, hyaline, 10–19 × 1.5–2.5 μm (Description from Promputtha et al., 2004).

Typification: Holotype PDD76762.

Gene sequences: DQ341490 (18S), DQ341513 (28S).

Hosts/substrates: On dead leaves of Magnolia liliifera (Magnoliaceae).

Distribution: Thailand.


Neocordana johnstonii (M.B. Ellis) Hern.-Restr. & Crous,  Phytotaxa 205(4): 233 .2015.

On natural substrate, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, straight to curved, brown, smooth, up to 400 μm long, 5–9 μm wide. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, brown, with several protruding denticles. Conidia broadly ellipsoidal, 1-septate, thick-walled, light brown, 20–30 × 12–18 μm, with a flat, truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown (Description from Ellis, 1971).

Typification: Holotype IMI81492.

Gene sequences: Unknown.

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Musa sapientum (Musaceae).

Distribution: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Tonga.

Neocordana malayensis Crous, Fungal Systematics and Evolution 3: 90 .2019.

On PNA, hyphae hyaline to brown, smooth, 2–3 μm diam. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, erect, flexuous, septate, medium brown, smooth, 200–500 × 7–9 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, 10–40 × 6–8 μm, with several protruding denticles, up to 1 μm long, 0.5–1 μm diam. Conidia oblong to obovoid, 1-septate, thick-walled, pale brown, (12–)14–18(–20) × (8–)10 μm, with a flat, truncate hilum, 1 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on MEA, PDA and OA 6.5 cm diam after 14 days at 25 °C; surface dirty white with patches of pale olivaceous grey or pale luteous, flat; aerial mycelium moderate; margin feathery (Description from Crous et al., 2019).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-23812. Ex-type culture CBS144604 (CPC32837).

Gene sequences: MK442593 (ITS), MK442533 (28S), MK442637 (ACT), MK442736 (TUB).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Musa (Musaceae).

Distribution: Malaysia.

Neocordana musae (Zimm.) Hern.-Restr. & Crous, Phytotaxa 205(4): 234 .2015. (Type species).

On SNA with sterile Musa leaves, hyphae hyaline to brown, smooth. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, brown, smooth, 46–118.5 × 5–6.5 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, 15–72.5 × 5–9 μm, with several protruding denticles, up to 2 μm long, 0.5–1.5 μm diam. Conidia obclavate, pyriform to obovoid, 1-septate, thick-walled, pale brown, 14.5–19 × 8–11.5 μm, with a flat, truncate hilum, 1–1.5 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on MEA 2.5 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C under daylight conditions; surface elevated, cottony; aerial mycelium white with mouse grey zones, exudate hyaline to pale luteous; margin diffuse; reverse black in center, with concentric rings isabelline to umber or luteous to ochraceous. Colonies on OA similar to that on MEA (Description from Hernandez-Restrepo et al., 2015).

Typification: Neotype CBSH-22054 (Hernandez-Restrepo et al., 2015). Ex-neotype culture CBS139318 (Hernandez-Restrepo et al., 2015).

Gene sequences: LN713277 (ITS), LN713290 (28S).

Hosts/substrates: On Musa (Musaceae).

Distribution: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico.

Neocordana musarum Crous, Persoonia 37: 367 .2016.

On natural substrate, hyphae subhyaline to light brown, smooth, 2–3 μm diam. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, erect, septate, medium brown, smooth, 70–300 × 4–7 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, 20–40 × 4–6 μm, with several protruding denticles, up to 1.5 μm long, 0.5–1 μm diam. Conidia oblong to obovoid, 1-septate, thick-walled, light brown, (15–)17–19(–20) × (9–)10(–13) μm, with a flat, truncate hilum, 1.5 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA surface grey olivaceous; reverse grey olivaceous. Colonies on MEA surface dirty white; reverse pale luteous. Colonies on OA surface dirty white. (Description from Crous et al., 2016).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-22901. Ex-holotype culture CBS142116 (CPC 28529).

Gene sequences: KY173425 (ITS), KY173516 (28S), KY173568 (ACT), KY173577 (RPB1), KY173608 (TUB).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Musa (Musaceae).

Distribution: France (Réunion).

Neocordana musicola Hern.-Restr. & Crous, Phytotaxa 205(4): 236 .2015.

On SNA with sterile Musa leaves, hyphae hyaline to brown, smooth. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, brown, smooth, 35–125 × 4–5.4 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, 15–37.6 × 4.2–5.6 μm, with several protruding denticles, up to 1.5 μm long, 0.6–1 μm diam. Conidia oblong to obovoid, 1-septate, thick-walled, light brown, 14.5–20 × 6.5–9.5 μm, with a flat, truncate hilum, 0.9–1.2 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on MEA 2 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C under daylight conditions; surface cottony; aerial mycelium white, mouse grey towards edge; margin diffuse; reverse fuscous black in center, luteous at edge. Colonies on OA similar to that on MEA (Description from Hernandez-Restrepo et al., 2015).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-22055. Ex-holotype culture CBS139316 (CPC11225, S1024).

Gene sequences: LN713285 (ITS), LN713286 (28S).

Hosts/substrates: On Musa (Musaceae).

Distribution: Mauritius, Mexico.

Neocordana musigena Crous, Persoonia 38: 267 .2017.

On natural substrate, hyphae subhyaline to light brown, smooth, 2–3 μm diam. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, erect, septate, medium brown, smooth, 50–100 × 4–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, 15–50 × 4–6 μm, with several protruding denticles, up to 1.5 μm long, 0.5–1 μm diam. Conidia oblong to obovoid, 1-septate, thick-walled, brown, (15–)16–17(–18) × (7–)8(–9) μm, with a flat, truncate hilum, 1 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA surface umber; reverse umber. Colonies on MEA surface dirty white; reverse plate luteous. Colonies on OA surface honey. (Description from Crous et al., 2017).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-23079. Ex-holotype culture CBS142624 (CPC 29777).

Gene sequences: KY979748 (ITS), KY979803 (28S), KY979854 (ACT), KY979885 (RPB1), KY979915 (TUB).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Musa (Musaceae).

Distribution: Morocco.

Neocordana versicolor (D.J. Soares & R.W. Barreto) Hern.-Restr. & Crous, Phytotaxa 205(4): 236 .2015.

On natural substrate, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth. Conidiophores macronematous, simple, straight to slightly curved, 1–3-sepate, brown, smooth, up to 260 μm long, 7–14 μm wide at base, 3–7 μm wide in middle. Conidiogenous cells terminal, intercalary, 15–37.6 × 4.2–5.6 μm, with several protruding denticles, up to 1.5 μm long, 0.6–1 μm diam. Conidia broadly ellipsoidal, 1-septate, thick-walled, pale brown, 15–25 × 10–15 μm, with a flat, truncate hilum. Appressoria boxing-glove shaped, dark brown, 10–25 × 8–14 μm. Sexual state unknown (Description from Soares et al., 2005).

Typification: Holotype VIC22157. Paratypes VIC22158, VIC22798.

Gene sequences: Unknown.

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Canna denudata (Cannaceae).

Distribution: Brazil.


Bifusisporella sorghi R.M.F. Silva, R.J.V. Oliveira, J.D.P. Bezerra, Souza-Motta & G.A. Silva, Mycol. Progress 18: 852. 2019. (Type species).

On MEA, hyphae hyaline when young, light brown with age, occasionally producing structures similar to trapping loops, 2–3 μm diam. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells solitary or aggregate, curved, elongated, cylindrical or clavate, slightly curved at apex, light brown, 9.5–14.5 × 3–4 μm. Conidia dimorphic. Macroconidia curved, falcate, aseptate, guttulate, tapering to pointed ends, hyaline, smooth, 23–30 × 3–4 μm. Microconidia falcate, straight to slightly curved, hyaline, smooth, aseptate, produced either from a conidiogenous cell or directly from hyphae, 10–11.5 × 1–2 μm. Chlamydospores rarely observed, globose to subglobose, intercalary, terminal, single, light brown. Hyphopodia elongated, multi-lobulate, brown, smooth, 18–20 × 7.5–10 μm. Sexual state unknown (Description from Silva et al., 2019).

Typification: Holotype URM91354. Ex-holotype culture URM7442.

Gene sequences: MK060153 (28S), MK060155 (ITS), MK060157 (TEF1).

Host/substrate: On leaves of Sorghum bicolor (Poaceae).

Distribution: Brazil (Pernambuco).


Proxipyricularia zingiberis (Y. Nisik.) Klaubauf, M.-H. Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 109. 2014. (Type species).

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA with sterile barley seeds, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline to brown, smooth. Conidiophores simple, unbranched, solitary to fasciculate, erect, subcylindrical, straight to curved, 2–4-septate, olivaceous to medium brown, smooth, 50–180 × 1.5–4 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal to intercalary, light brown, smooth, with several protruding denticles. Conidia solitary, pyriform to obclavate, 2-septate, subhyaline to light brown, smooth, 14–20(–24) × (5–)6–8 μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown (Description from Klaubauf et al., 2014).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-23356. Ex-holotype culture CBS133594.

Gene sequences: KM484988 (28S), AB274434 (ITS), AB274446 (ACT), KM485246 (CAL), KM485091 (RPB1).

Hosts/substrates: On Zingiber mioga and Z. officinale (Zingiberaceae).

Distribution: China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea.


Pyriculariomyces asari (Crous & M.J. Wingf.) Y. Marín, M.J. Wingf. & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 92: 119. 2019. (Type species).

Ascomata perithecial, immersed, solitary or gregarious, brown, up to 200 µm diam, with a papillate neck. Paraphyses dissolving at maturity. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical to clavate, 50–75 × 10–12 µm, with a refractive ring. Ascospores biseriate, fusiform to ellipsoidal, straight or slightly curved, 3-septate, light brown, smooth, (16–)18–20(–22) × (4–)5 µm. Asexual state pyricularia-like. Conidiophores solitary, erect, straight or curved, unbranched, subcylindrical, 1–8-septate, brown, smooth, 55–200 × 3.5–5 µm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, brown, smooth, 25–60 × 3.5–5 µm, with several protruding denticles, 1–1.5 × 1–1.5 µm. Conidia solitary, pyriform, 2-septate, brown, (20–)22–24(–26) × (6.5–)7–8 µm, with a truncate basal hilum (Description from Crous et al., 2016).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-22625. Ex-holotype culture CBS141328.

Gene sequences: KX228291 (ITS), KX228361 (ACT), MG934541 (CAL), KX228368 (RPB1).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves and stems of Asarum (Aristolochiaceae).

Distribution: Malaysia.


Pyricularia angulata Hashioka, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 12(3-4): 127. 1971.

Pyricularia apiculata Matsush., Microfungi of the Solomon Islands and Papua-New Guinea (Osaka): 47. 1971.

Pyricularia buloloensis Matsush., Microfungi of the Solomon Islands and Papua-New Guinea (Osaka): 48. 1971.

Pyricularia caffra Matsush. [as ‘caffera’], Matsush. Mycol. Mem. 9: 23. 1996.

Pyricularia cannae Roldan [as ‘Piricularia’], Philipp. J. Sci., C, Bot. 66: 10. 1938.

Pyricularia cannicola Hashioka, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 12(3-4): 131. 1971.

Pyricularia caricis G. Arnaud ex Matsush., Icon. microfung. Matsush. lect. (Kobe): 120. 1975.

Pyricularia contorta Melnik, U. Braun & A.V. Alexandrova, Schlechtendalia 25: 73. 2013.

Pyricularia cortaderiae McKenzie, Mycosphere 1(3): 224. 2010.

Pyricularia costi (Sawada) S. Ito [as ‘Piricularia’], Bot. Mag., Tokyo 32: 308. 1918.

Pyricularia ctenantheicola Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 111. 2014.

Pyricularia curcumae Rathaiah, Pl. Dis. 64(1): 104. 1980.

Pyricularia didyma M.B. Ellis, Mycol. Pap. 125: 9. 1971.

Pyricularia distorta Hashioka, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 12(3-4): 133. 1971.

Pyricularia ebbelsii M.B. Ellis, Mycol. Pap. 131: 11. 1972.

Pyricularia fusispora (Matsush.) Zucconi, Onofri & Persiani, Micol. Ital. 13(2): 9. 1984.

Pyricularia grisea Sacc., Michelia 2(no. 6): 20. 1880. (Type species).

Pyricularia guarumaicola F.C. Albuq. & M.L. Duarte [as ‘Piricularia guarumeicolae’], Pesquisa agropec. bras., ser. Agron. 6: 179. 1971.

Pyricularia kookicola Bussaban, Mycologia 95(3): 520. 2003.

Pyricularia korlaensis J.H. Kong & T.Y. Zhang, Mycotaxon 132(3): 631. 2017.

Pyricularia lauri P.M. Kirk, Mycotaxon 18(2): 287. 1983.

Pyricularia leersiae (Sawada) S. Ito [as ‘Piricularia’], Bot. Mag., Tokyo 32: 307. 1918.

Pyricularia lourinae F.C. Albuq. & M.L. Duarte [as ‘Piricularia’], Pesquisa agropec. bras., ser. Agron. 6: 180. 1971.

Pyricularia oncosperma Yanna, W.H. Ho & K.D. Hyde, Cryptog. Mycol. 25(2): 132. 2004.

Pyricularia oryzae Cavara, Fung. Long. Exsicc. 1: no. 49. 1892.

Pyricularia panici-paludosi (Sawada) S. Ito [as ‘Piricularia’], Bot. Mag., Tokyo 32: 308. 1918.

Pyricularia penniseti Prasada & Goyal, Curr. Sci. 39(12): 287. 1970.

Pyricularia penniseticola Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 114. 2014.

Pyricularia pennisetigena Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 114. 2014.

Pyricularia peruamazonica Matsush., Matsush. Mycol. Mem. 7: 63. 1993.

Pyricularia pyricularioides (Matsush.) de Hoog & Oorschot, Stud. Mycol. 26: 118. 1985.

Pyricularia rabaulensis Matsush., Bull. natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 14(3): 473. 1971.

Pyricularia sansevieriae Bat., J.L. Bezerra & Cavalc., Publicações Inst. Micol. Recife 343: 5. 1962.

Pyricularia scripta (Bonord.) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 4: 218. 1886.

Pyricularia sphaerulata Zucconi & Onofri, Mycotaxon 27: 150. 1986.

Pyricularia submersa Ingold [as ‘Piricularia’], Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 27(1-2): 46. 1944.

Pyricularia subsigmoidea R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr., Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 35: 93. 1991.

Pyricularia urashimae Castroag., J.L.N. Maciel, Crous & Ceresini, Persoonia 37: 369. 2016.

Pyricularia vandalurensis Subram. & Vittal, Proc. Indian natn Sci. Acad., Part B. Biol. Sci. 80(5): 217. 1974.

Pyricularia variabilis Bussaban, Mycologia 95(3): 522. 2003.

Pyricularia zingibericola Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 115. 2014.


Pseudopyricularia bothriochloae (Crous & Cheew.) Y. Marín & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 86: 190. 2017.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth, 1.5–2 μm diam. Conidiophores solitary, simple, branched, erect, straight, curved to geniculate, 5–8-septate, medium brown, smooth, 90–180 × 3–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, light brown, smooth, 8–30 × 3–4 μm, with several protruding denticles, 1–1.5 × 1–2 μm. Conidia solitary, obclavate, septate, medium brown, smooth to finely roughened, (18–)19–22(–23) × (6–)7–8(–9) μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA, surface olivaceous black; reverse olivaceous black. Colonies on MEA, surface honey to isabelline; reverse honey to isabelline. Colonies on OA, surface with patches of olivaceous-grey, iron-grey and pale olivaceous-grey (Description from Crous et al., 2013).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-21436. Ex-holotype culture CBS136427 (CPC21650, CPC21651).

Gene sequences: KF777186 (ITS), KF777238 (28S).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Bothriochloa bladhii (Poaceae).

Distribution: Thailand.

Pseudopyricularia cyperi Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 110. 2014.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA with sterile barley seeds, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth, 1–2 μm diam. Conidiophores solitary to fasciculate, simple, branched, erect, subcylindrical, straight, curved to geniculate, 1–5-septate, medium brown, smooth, 40–100 × 3–4 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, light brown, finely roughened, 35–70 × 3–4 μm, with several protruding denticles, 2–3 × 1.5–2 μm. Conidia solitary, obclavate, 2-septate, medium brown, smooth to finely roughened, (22–)25–28(–35) × (4–)5(–6) μm, with a truncate hilum, 1.5–2 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA 2.2 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C in dark; surface white, round, diffuse edge, cottony; reverse buff. Colonies on MEA 1.8 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C in dark; surface buff, round, raised, cottony; reverse ochraceous. Colonies on CMA and OA after 7 days at 25 °C in dark transparent, round to undulate, with smooth surface (Description from Klaubauf et al., 2014).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-21840. Ex-holotype culture CBS133595.

Gene sequences: KM484872 (ITS), KM484990 (28S), AB274453 (ACT), AB274485 (CAL), AB818013 (RPB1), AB274469 (TUB).

Hosts/substrates: On Cyperus iria and C. rotundus (Cyperaceae).

Distribution: Iran, Israel, Japan, Philippines.

Pseudopyricularia hagahagae Crous & M.J. Wingf., Persoonia 35: 279. 2015.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On OA, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth, 2.5–3.5 μm diam. Conidiophores solitary, erect, branched to unbranched, straight to curved, 1–10-septate, medium brown, smooth, 40–200 × 5–7 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, medium brown, smooth, 30–50 × 5–7 μm, with several protruding denticles, 1–4 × 1–2 μm. Conidia solitary, obclavate, 2-septate, medium brown, smooth, (38–)41–45(–49) × (7–)8(–9) μm, with a truncate hilum, 1.5–2 μm diam. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA after 14 days at 25 °C, surface greyish sepia; reverse greyish sepia. Colonies on MEA 2.5 cm diam after 14 days at 25 °C; surface flat, dirty white with patches of greyish sepia; aerial mycelium sparse; margin feathery; reverse dirty white with patches of mouse grey. Colonies on OA 4 cm diam after 14 days at 25 °C; surface flat, greyish sepia; aerial mycelium sparse; margin feathery (Description from Crous et al., 2015b).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-22400. Ex-holotype culture CPC25635.

Gene sequences: KT950851 (ITS), KT950865 (28S), KT950873 (ACT), KT950877 (RPB1), KT950880 (TEF).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Cyperaceae.

Distribution: South Africa.

Pseudopyricularia higginsii (Luttr.) Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 110. 2014.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On natural substrate, conidiophores solitary to fasciculate, simple, branched to unbranched, erect, subcylindrical, straight to curved, 0–3-septate, hyaline to light brown, smooth to finely roughened, 30.4–76 × 4.6–6.8 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, hyaline to light brown, smooth to finely roughened, with several protruding denticles. Conidia solitary, obclavate, (1–)2-septate, hyaline, smooth to finely roughened, 17.5–36.5 × 5.3–6.5 μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown (Description from Luttrell, 1954).

Typification: Holotype BPI420204.

Gene sequences: KM009212 (18S), KM484875 (ITS), KM484991 (28S), KM485180 (ACT), KM485250 (CAL), KM009176 (MCM7), KM485095 (RPB1), KM009200 (TEF1).

Hosts/substrates: On Cyperus (Cyperaceae) and Typha orientalis (Typhaceae).

Distribution: Worldwide in tropics and subtropics.

Pseudopyricularia hyrcaniana Pordel & Jav.-Nikkh., Mycol. Progr. 16(7): 731. 2017.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth. Conidiophores solitary, erect, unbranched to branched , subcylindrical, straight, curved to geniculate, 1–2(–4)-septate, medium brown, smooth, 65–125(−140) × 4–5 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, light brown, smooth, with several protruding denticles, 3–4 μm long. Conidia solitary, obclavate, 1-septate, hyaline, smooth, (17–)20–29(−31) × (5–)6–8 μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA 4 cm diam after 7 days at 23–25 °C; surface gray olivaceous; reverse olivaceous gray. Colonies on OA 5 cm diam after 7 days at 23–25 °C; surface transparent, olivaceous buff (Description from Pordel et al., 2017).

Typification: Holotype UTFC-PO10. Ex-holotype culture IRAN2758C.

Gene sequences: KP144447 (ITS), KP144452 (28S), KY457260 (CAL), KY457270 (RPB1).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Cyperus alternifolius (Cyperaceae).

Distribution: Iran.

Pseudopyricularia iraniana Pordel & Jav.-Nikkh., Mycol. Progr. 16(7): 732. 2017.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth. Conidiophores solitary, erect, unbranched to branched, subcylindrical, straight, curved to geniculate, 0(–3)-septate, light brown to brown, smooth, 87–140(–170) × 5–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, light brown, smooth, with several protruding denticles, 3–4 μm long. Conidia solitary, fusiform to cylindrical, 2-septate, hyaline, smooth, (20–)22–30 × 5–8 μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA 4 cm diam after 7 days at 23–25 °C; surface gray olivaceous; reverse grayish sepia. Colonies on OA 4 cm diam after 7 days at 23–25 °C; surface transparent, pale gray (Description from Pordel et al., 2017).

Typification: Holotype UTFC-PO14. Ex-holotype culture IRAN2761C.

Gene sequences: KY457258 (ITS), KY457268 (28S), KY457264 (CAL), KY457273 (RPB1).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Juncus (Juncaceae).

Distribution: Iran.

Pseudopyricularia kyllingae Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 79: 110. 2014. (Type species).

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA with sterile barley seeds, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth, 1.5–2 μm diam. Conidiophores solitary to fasciculate, simple, branched to unbranched, erect, straight to curved, 1–3-septate, medium brown, finely roughened, 50–80 × 4–6 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, medium brown, finely roughened, 15–60 × 3–4 μm, with several protruding denticles, 1–2 × 1–1.5 μm. Conidia solitary, obclavate, 2-septate, light to medium brown, finely roughened, (23–)27–30(–35) × (5–)6(–7) μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA 9 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C in dark; surface transparent; reverse transparent. Colonies on MEA 6.5 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C in dark; surface transparent, funiculate; reverse ochraceous. Colonies on CMA 5 cm diam after 7 days at 25 °C in dark; surface transparent, smooth (Description from Klaubauf et al., 2014).

Typification: Holotype CBSH-21841. Ex-holotype culture CBS133597.

Gene sequences: KM484876 (ITS), KM484992 (28S), AB274451 (ACT), AB274484 (CAL), KM485096 (RPB1).

Hosts/substrates: On Cyperus brevifolius and Kyllinga brevifolia (Cyperaceae).

Distribution: Japan, Philippines.

Pseudopyricularia persiana G. Ghorbani, Pordel & Jav.-Nikkh., Persoonia 41: 399. 2018.

Asexual state pyricularia-like. On SNA and OA, hyphae branched, septate, hyaline, smooth. Conidiophores solitary, erect, unbranched to branched, straight, curved to geniculate, 0–5-septate, medium brown, smooth, 137– 332(–380) × 5–7 μm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, light brown, smooth, with several protruding denticles. Conidia solitary, obclavate, 2(–3)-septate, hyaline, smooth, (30–)36–52(–65) × 10–13 μm, with a truncate hilum. Sexual state unknown.

Colonies on PDA 2.6 cm diam after 7 days at 23–25 °C; surface transparent, white; reverse straw. Colonies on OA 4.2 cm diam after 7 days at 23–25 °C; surface transparent, buff (Description from Crous et al., 2018).

Typification: Holotype UTFC-PO20. Ex-holotype culture UTFC-PO21.

Gene sequences: MH780926 (ITS), MH780974 (28S), MH699978 (CAL), MH699975 (RPB1).

Hosts/substrates: On leaves of Cyperus (Cyperaceae).

Distribution: Iran.