Neogaeumannomyces bambusicola D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde,Fungal Diversity 72: 35. 2015. (Type species).
MycoBank: MB 550937.
Ascomata perithecial, solitary to gregarious, immersed, globose to subglobose, black, 500–850 × 350–500 μm, with a cylindrical neck, 50–80 μm long. Ascomatal wall consisting of two layers, 50–70 μm thick. Paraphyses hyaline, septate. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, 105–110 × 10–20 μm, with a short furcate pedicel and an apical ring. Ascospores filiform, curved, 2–3-septate, guttulate, hyaline, smooth, 85–105 × 4–5.5 μm. Asexual state unknown.
Colonies on PDA 4.5 cm diam after 14 days at 28 °C; surface velvety to hairy, drift white; aerial mycelium hyaline; margin effuse, uneven; reverse dark brown (Description from Liu et al., 2015).
Typification: Holotype MFLU14-0822. Ex-holotype culture MFLUCC11-0390.
Gene sequences: KP753956 (18S), KP744449 (ITS), KP744492 (28S).
Hosts/substrates: On dead culm of Bambuseae (Poaceae).
Distribution: Thailand.
Copyright 2022 by The American Phytopathological Society. Reproduced, by permission, from Luo, J., and Zhang, N. 2022. The Rice Blast Fungus and Allied Species: A Monograph of the Fungal Order Magnaporthales ( American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.